Tag Archives: Russ

Conversations with CB – #2

Hello, sorry for the hiatus in posts. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving (or a nice weekend if you aren’t in the US). We were busy little bees.  First, we had our annual Thanksgiving dinner at my sister’s house.  It was more like a one-sided family reunion.  It was really fun and there were lots of kids. My sister has plenty of toys and space so all the kids were very entertained.  BB had his first turkey day, complete with a turkey bib.  I did not get a picture – I know, I’m a bad mom. My dad did, though, but I haven’t seen them yet.  BB also had his first bits of turkey (not pureed!), some cheese, beer bread and other yummy treats.  I also fed him some brownie from McCafe and he seems to love it.  He’s becoming a pro at eating and chewing very well.  Hee hee.  He just hasn’t figured out putting the food in his mouth yet. He’ll try but he hasn’t grasped the idea of dropping the food in his mouth. I just see him gnawing on a fist.  Ha ha.

We also went to Boston for the first time in more than a year.  Meanie has family up there so we often go and visit every couple months.  We also get our haircuts up there, too!  So it’s been over a year since I’ve gotten a haircut.  I got about 6-8 inches chopped off.  Quite drastic, yes, but I’m free!  I think CB was wondering where my hair went, though.  He grabbed my tiny stub of a ponytail and looked bewildered as to where the rest of it is. Doh!

I wanted to introduce you to Carey’s babies – James & Bear-Bear.  🙂


James the Giraffe (given name) and Bear-Bear (named by CB)
They’re posing for a picture in BB’s crib
Yes, one of Bear-Bear’s eyes is unraveling. CB doesn’t seem to care.

James is about 1.5 years old.  We discovered him at a zoo in Montreal in a sea of giraffes, fell in love (me) and bought one for CB.  It was love at first sight for the two of them.  He now looks like he’s decades old, not just 1.5 years old.

He used to look like this:

All fuzzy and fluffy.
If you want him, he is sold at Amazon.

I know he’s got the shortest neck ever for a giraffe but he’s still a cutie.  Ha ha.

Bear-Bear also came with a blankie.  CB was so attached to this blankie but not to Bear-Bear at the time.  I had to buy a bunch of blankies because I had to wash them all the time cuz it got really gross and yucky so I had to recycle them.  So I had 5 blankies and 5 bears.  I’ve been gifting those bears to baby boys, without the blanket. Sorry, guys! 🙂  But he’s a very cuddly bear. He used to look like this:

Yep, all nice and fluffy.  Not any more!
He’s available at Amazon, too, but this listing has a bad review!
If you’re interested, he’s a Cocalo Bear and Blanket set but he’s from 3 years ago
so I don’t see him on their website anymore.

James and Bear-Bear are his babies.  The first thing he runs for when he gets home is for the two of them.  I think if he had to choose one over the other, he would totally choose James but the two are usually together.  I wash them every weekend (that’s why they’re not fuzzy anymore) in the laundry machine and if they are away “taking a shower” and he is about to take his afternoon nap, he asks for them.  “James?”  “Bear-Bear??”  “James???”  “Bear-Bear??!!?”  I just have to tell him that they are taking a bath at the moment but they will be with him when he wakes up from his nap.

I’ve caught CB in the act of feeding James (usually not Bear-Bear, don’t know why) whatever snack he’s eating.  He was trying to shove a pretzel rod in James’ mouth one time.  He will get a tissue to wipe James’ mouth or nose, because maybe he was sniffling, too.  He’s always hugging these guys and I’m sure he talks to them, too, because we hear him yapping away in his room before he goes to nap/sleep at night.

So we were leaving Boston on Sunday and I was packing his babies up.  I threw them in my bag and CB starts these bloodcurdling screams because apparently I was murdering them by throwing them in my bag.

So I said, “Fine, fine, I’ll leave their heads out so they can breathe, too, ok?”

I zip up his babies to the head so their heads are sticking out of my bag so you know, they can “breathe”.

CB is still screaming bloody murder….

I give up, threw him his babies and tell him not to forget them because we are not driving back for them!

CB gingerly holds up James and Bear-Bear, looks into their faces lovingly, and says to them in a worried voice, “ARE YOU OK, BABY??!!??!”

I was on the floor.  ROFL. Funniest and cutest thing ever.  LOL.  🙂


BB is 10 months old this past Monday!  We went for his 9-month well visit last week (a little delayed because of Hurricane Sandy) and his measurements are:

Height:  28.25 inches

Head:  46 cm

Weight:  18 lbs, 10 oz

We are mostly surprised by the weight because we were convinced he was at least 20 lbs!  My dad was convinced that he was no longer 25th percentile for his weight because he’s so heavy but he’s not even that heavy. He just feels really heavy.  He gained 2 lbs, right on schedule.

He’s not crawling yet but he’s rocking/swaying on his hands and knees. He might be crawling by Christmas! He’s also loving “people food” (our food, not in puree form anymore) but he does love his oatmeal cereal and whatever purees I’ve made for him.  Fruits and veggies.  I also made him a chicken puree with sweet potatoes and carrots.  He looked really grossed out the first time he had it. I think he almost vomited.  LOL but he kept on opening his mouth for more. I think he looked really grossed out because it wasn’t sweet like the other purees he’s had in the past.  He’s definitely a sweet tooth, I think!

10 months, yay!
Can’t believe he’ll be a year old in 2 months!



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