A Little Bit of Everything Post


A Little Bit of Everything Noodle Soup – from Mee Noodle Restaurant
I used to live by here and ate this a lot.  Ollie’s, too!

You know, that noodle soup you can find in Chinese restaurants?  A Little Bit of Everything Noodle Soup?  It’s this noodle soup with a thick soup with literally, a little bit of everything.  Some pork, chicken, seafood, shrimp, assorted veggies, tofu and it’s oh-so-good. I haven’t had it in a while but this post is a lot like that soup.  A little bit of everything.

Unfortunately, this post is not about food.  Hah, caught your eye, didn’t I?  Just a bunch of random things and I’m too lazy to post them all in their own separate posts.


I just purchased something from SheSteals.com.  This Steal Network has great items on sale, two times a day, at really discount prices.  There’s also a KidSteals, BabySteals and a ScrapbookSteals (for those who scrapbook – I want to learn and make those one day!) Evil websites!  This is only a few that I check almost every day.  I should stop doing that.  So the other day I jumped on a MicrodermaMitt body mitt.  These things are awesome if you have really dry skin or just want to exfoliate.  I find that using a simple loofah or a pouf isn’t as effective as I like it to be.


My skin tends to get dry in the winter (like everyone else) so this is perfect.  You don’t use any cleansers or soap with this.  The directions say to step in a hot shower for a few minutes without using any soap or cleansers on your body so during that time, I just wash my hair.  After I wash my hair, I turn the water off or away from me, and use this sucker to scrub up and down or left and right all over my body.  It’s fascinating to see how much dead skin falls off of you.  After I use it, I go under the shower again and then I wash with my shower gel. I find that my skin is really soft afterwards and I’ve only used it twice so far!

This may be TMI but I use this sucker to slough off the dead skin that’s been hanging out in my armpits.  Long time ago when I was a teenager, I developed an allergic reaction to a deodorant (Ban deodorant – does that exist today still?) and it darkened my armpits and it’s embarrassing!  And well, after 2 pregnancies, my armpit condition hasn’t gotten any better since that day.  I’ve switched to non-aluminum deodorants, thanks to sites like Influenster and subscription box services like Conscious Box that made me aware that such items do exist.  I learned about Crystal stick deodorant and GeoDeo deodorant and those have been working pretty well for me. I don’t stink, I don’t think?  I’m not sure how these would work in the summer but I’ve been OK so far.  I think?  No one’s told me I stink yet. LOL.

So hopefully now with the Microderma Body Mitt, I’ll have super soft skin and normal armpits again! Yay! 🙂

I always seem to come down with something serious after I get pregnant.  After my first pregnancy, I had a raging root canal that needed to be done right away and I had to stop nursing CB because I was on painkiller drugs for the pain.  So not fun.  This time around, I came down with….shingles.  Ugh.

Horrible!!!  It started out with a seemingly harmless rash and then it started to look worse and worse, until the extreme pain start.  OMG.  The pain from shingles is NO JOKE.  I was taking Advil like it was candy and I had to stay home from work because I was literally writhing from the pain.  The pain was almost like labor but in the area where the rash was.  I had a patch of rash underneath my belly button and it felt like I was giving birth to a baby again. So not fun.  Luckily, I had caught it relatively early and was prescribed some meds from my bro-in-law but I was in so much pain.  I’m considered luckier than some though.  I know of some people who have had shingles but they still deal with the pain today, even tho it’s over.  I just have some bad scars on me so hopefully the mitt will help me a lot in that part, too! They have mitts for the face, too. I definitely recommend these products. Love it!  Now I need to find more (preferably at the price I got it by) for future presents!

On kids news, CB will probably start Preschool next week!  There’s been a lot of steps trying to get him into Preschool and I just handed in all the papers yesterday so there’s a huge chance he’ll be starting next week.  I will do a separate post on that soon…

Yesterday right before I gave BB a bath, I was poking around in his mouth (I usually wipe his teeth before bath) and noticed that it hurt when he chomped down.  So I poked and peered around and discovered 2 more teeth coming from up on top!  My baby is growing so fast! He was hiding those from me!  These days he drinks less formula and eats more food which is good.  That’s where we want to be.  As for crawling, he can get to his point of destination but I wouldn’t call it crawling or army crawling or bulldozing.  It’s weird.  It starts with this inchworm form, then he sticks his butt totally up so he’s in Downward Dog position, then flop to one side and roll a little bit but somehow he’s moved up a little bit and then repeat.  It’s not very pretty.  LOL but it works for him.


On the very last note, I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Jennifer from My Life as a Single Mom.  Thanks Jennifer!  I’m new to this official blogger world so I’m not sure what this means.  🙂  I’ve been blogging on communities before such as Xanga and Live Journal so this is a whole new thing for me.  I am delighted and thankful for receiving this recognition though.  I think I’m supposed to list 7 things about me and then direct some well-deserved attention to 7 blogs I read.  So stay tuned!

About babydot74

Just a 30-something year old mother of two little boys, who bitches, gripes, ponders & wonders about everything. View all posts by babydot74

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